Monday, November 22, 2010

My Timeless Joy

I must confess that I am a major Hello Kitty fanatic.  To anyone that already knows me, this is not a secret by any means.  But...I just love her.  I don't know what it is about that cute simple face with no mouth, but I adore it on anything from a duffel bag to....whatever you can imagine!  Any possible product you can imagine, there is probably a Hello Kitty version of it.  Don't believe me?  Then check out this website - on SECOND THOUGHT, omg, I'll pass on posting it for now.  There was some Hello Kitty drug paraphanalia that came up first on the list!  No, no, no, I like my Hello Kitty harmless.  Excuse me while I laugh at myself.  I was just thinking to myself before I went to check the link, "I've seen military tanks, I've seen Hello Kitty rifles, I would hate to see some illegal Hello Kitty type products" and bam, there's a cocaine straw! 

Some argue that Hello Kitty actually is a bad role model because she has no mouth.  This is supposed to symbolize that girls should remain quiet and passive.  While I did find that interesting when I read it, I just don't know.  I don't think she would be as cute if she had a mouth.  If anything, I always liked the fact that Hello Kitty doesn't force her emotions on anyone.  For all I know, she could be happy, sad, pissed off.  Damn, if she only had eyebrows!  Now it is just a mystery forever...though I am assuming that when she's a ballerina, schoolgirl, rocker, or dolphin trainer that she's pretty happy.  One would think at least.  I don't know if she's happy when her hot face is toasted onto my bread, but I sure am!

So, to combine my love of cupcakes and Hello Kitty, I attempted to make these cupcakes.  They were a pain in the butt and not nearly like I wanted them to turn out, but I think they still came out cute.  And to throw in an extra one, I made an American flag with cupcakes to celebrate one of my coworkers becoming a U.S. citizen.  Yum!