Wednesday, February 16, 2011

New Beginnings

It's definitely time for a new blog post!  Speaking of new, I have a new job and career.  While I very much enjoyed what I did before, it was time to seek out new opportunities.  My last day was weird...on one hand, I was so excited to start on my new path, but then on the other hand I was sad to leave my coworkers/friends behind.  It was going to be so difficult.  I mean, come on, I was moving an unbearable two miles away, at the same institution no less!!  How would we ever survive without seeing each other every day??  The goodbyes only got harder when I was surprised with - wait for it......................the Hello Kitty party of my dreams! Hahahaha - it was super cute and very sweet.

But now I am in a new place and really enjoying my fresh start.  Everyone is really cool, friendly, and passionate about what they do.  Who would have ever thought I would get up and kinda SING in front of everybody during a staff meeting?  That usually would have embarassed me really easily but I felt just fine about it today during our funny ice-breaker where we had to hum or sing one of our favorite songs.  I tried humming "Iris" by the Goo Goo Dolls, but eventually had to bust out in "And I don't want the world to see me....Cuz I don't think that they'd understand.....When everything's made to be broken.....I just want you to know who I am."  I've always loved that song, though I guess those lyrics probably had some thinking what's wrong with me.  LOL.  I learned that a lot of people have some awesome singing and dancing talents (me not so much). 

I'm already in office-decorating mode though it is taking me some time.  But it's getting there...I'm a stealth decorator, sneaking in my decorative pieces a little bit at a time.  All in all, I'm just super excited and wanted to share the good news.  To new beginnings in 2011!  Cheers!