It's I've been trying to organize photos, clean, and do other things. I figured I would post some random pics on here since I've noticed that I haven't done a very good of updating this blog.
Cherry blossom painting! |
I went to a painting class at Creative Canvas and Wine in Altamonte Springs. Voila! Our painting was of cherry blossoms. It was a fun time! Makes me want to open my own business.
Fiona graduating from puppy class. |
Fiona graduated from her PetSmart puppy training class. She was awesome, and even scored some extra points for busting out her first trick - "Paw," aka a handshake.
This was Fiona's classmate, Thor. Super cute and high energy. Fiona and Thor...
Rose gardens at Leu Gardens, Orlando. |
How I have never visited Leu Gardens in Orlando is beyond me. I could have stayed in the rose garden for the whole afternoon. It was beautiful, just wonderlandishly beautiful!
Peter Pan mural I helped with for Mandy's nursery. |
Mandy is having a baby - baby boy Ethan to be exact! I drove down to Boca and started to sketch out some Peter Pan characters. Simon ended up tracing them on to the wall and painting them gray so that they appear to be shadows. Simon used his architectural skills to draw the building and the London scene. It's all so perfect!
So there you go, I hope you enjoyed some random snap shots! Now, back to organizing...